Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well, not exactly presents. Where I work, they have a reward system in place where if you do something really great, they award you "spirit points" which can be redeemed in their "spirit catalog". I ordered an 8.1 MP camera, a 7" Digital Photo frame, and some flatware with Bamboo handles. At least they look like bamboo. They arrived yesterday.

I've been sticking with film cameras for quite a while because the quality was so much higher. But as digital cameras have gotten better, it's not that way anymore. And it sure is nice to see if the shot worked right then. It's also much more convenient to just plug it into the computer to get the photos there, rather than developing them, getting the CD, and moving them from the CD. I'll probably still keep my film camera around though. Some things I wonder if you can do digitally. Maybe it depends on the quality and features of the camera.

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